Scholarly Journal ACTA

ACTA facultatis theological Universitatis Comenianae Bratislaviensis is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal, which aims to present the results of scientific activity as professionals and doctoral students working at the faculty, as well as authors from other universities and scientific institutions in Slovakia and abroad in all theological and related disciplines.
Comenius University
Faculty of Roman Catholic Theology
of Cyril and Methodius
Kapitulská 26
814 58 Bratislava
IČO: 0039786510
Email: acta (at)
ISSN 1335-8081
ISSN 2644-6928 (on-line)
EV 1180/2008
ACTA is included in the following databases:
- ERIH PLUS database (further information on inclusion is provided in the report on ACTA's inclusion in ERIH PLUS a CEJSH)
- CEJSH (further information on inclusion is provided in the report on ACTA's inclusion in ERIH PLUS a CEJSH)
Periodicity: twice a year
Price per copy: 5 Eur
The magazine can be ordered by email: acta-objednavky (at)
Editorial board
assoc. prof. Dr. Claudiu-Teodor Ariesan (Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara, RO)
SSDr. Stefan Attard (University of Malta, Imsida, MT)
prof. Dr. theol. Gloria Braunsteiner, PhD. (TF TU Trnava, SK)
Dr. Tobias Häner (Kölner Hochschule für Katholische Theologie, DE)
prof. Dr. phil. Emília Hrabovec, (RKCMBF UK Bratislava, SK)
doc. ThDr. Ing. Jozef Jančovič, PhD. (RKCMBF UK Bratislava, SK)
prof. ThDr. Viliam Judák, PhD. (RKCMBF UK Bratislava, SK)
doc. ThDr. Mária Kardis, PhD. (GTF PU Prešov, SK)
assoc. prof. Michael Kirwan SJ (Trinity College Dublin, IE)
doc. ThDr. Branislav Kľuska, PhD. (PF KU Ružomberok, SK)
Dr. Gusztáv Kovács (Pécsi Püspöki Hittudományi Főiskola, HU)
prof. ThLic. Miloš Lichner SJ, D.Th. (TF TU Trnava, SK)
doc. ThDr. Radoslav Lojan, PhD. (TF KU Ružomberok, SK)
Dr. Ján Polák (Univerzita Palackého Olomouc, CZ)
assoc. prof. Mark Reasoner (Marian University in Indianapolis, USA)
doc. ThDr. Tibor Reimer, PhD. (RKCMBF UK Bratislava, SK)
Dr. Paulo Rodrigues (Université Catholique de Lille, FR)
prof. Henryk Sławiński (Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, PL)
prof. Massimiliano Valente (Università Europea di Roma, IT)
assoc. prof. Gabriele-Ausra Vasiliauskaite, OSB (Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, Kaunas, LT)
Editor in chief: prof. ThDr. Jozef Krupa, PhD. (RKCMBF UK Bratislava, SK)
Executive editor: ThLic. Tomáš Pavlík (RKCMBF UK Bratislava, SK)
Information for contributors
Conditions for contributors available in PDF format:
ACTA - Information for Contributors [pdf] (in Slovak)
List of published issues of the journal Acta including prefaces and parts of the articles
List of published issues of the journal ACTA and their contents in PDF format.
Numbers from 2/2014 have informations about published issues suplemented by prefaces and parts of the articles.
- ACTA 2/2024 - cover [pdf], full text [pdf]
- ACTA 1/2024 - cover [pdf], full text [pdf]
- ACTA 2/2023 - cover [pdf], full text [pdf]
- ACTA 1/2023 - cover [pdf], full text [pdf]
- ACTA 2/2022 - cover [pdf], full text [pdf]
- ACTA 1/2022 - cover [pdf], full text [pdf]
- ACTA 1-2/2021 - cover [pdf], full text [pdf]
- ACTA 2/2020 - cover [pdf], full text [pdf]
- ACTA 1/2020 - cover [pdf], full text [pdf]
- ACTA 2/2019 - cover [pdf], text [pdf], full text [pdf]
- ACTA 1/2019 - cover [pdf], text [pdf]
- ACTA 2/2018 - cover [pdf], text [pdf]
- ACTA 1/2018 - cover [pdf], text [pdf]
- ACTA 2/2017 - cover [pdf], text [pdf]
- ACTA 1/2017 - cover [pdf], text [pdf]
- ACTA 2/2016 - cover [pdf], text [pdf]
- ACTA 1/2016 - cover [pdf], text [pdf]
- ACTA 2/2015 - cover [pdf], text [pdf]
- ACTA 1/2015 - cover [pdf], masthead [pdf], text [pdf]
- ACTA 2/2014 [pdf]
- ACTA 1/2014 [pdf]
- ACTA 2/2013 [pdf]
- ACTA 1/2013 [pdf]
- ACTA 2/2012 [pdf]
- ACTA 1/2012 [pdf]
- ACTA 2/2011 [pdf]
- ACTA 1/2011 [pdf]
- ACTA 2/2010 [pdf]
- ACTA 1/2010 [pdf]
For informations about published numbers from other years feel free to contact editorial staff at email address: acta (at)