Faculty of Roman Catholic Theology
of Cyril and Methodius
Comenius University Bratislava


General Conditions

Under Erasmus+, a student can stay abroad for a minimum of 2 months, but a maximum of 12 months for each level of study (bachelor's, master's, doctoral - internal or external part-time). Mobility must be both started and completed within one academic year.
Student mobility is organised on the basis of inter-institutional student mobility agreements concluded between universities at faculty or university level. A student may apply for mobility only to those foreign universities with which an inter-institutional agreement is in place at the time of the selection procedure.
Within the Erasmus+ programme, each university is assigned an identification code, the Comenius University code is SK BRATISL02.


Študent môže v rámci programu Erasmus+ absolvovať pobyt v zahraničí, a to v trvaní minimálne 2 mesiace, avšak maximálne 12 mesiacov za každý stupeň štúdia (bakalársky, magisterský, doktorandský - internej alebo externej formy). Mobilita musí byť začatá aj ukončená v rámci jedného akademického roka.

Študentská mobilita sa organizuje na základe medziinštitucionálnych dohôd o mobilite študentov, ktoré sa medzi univerzitami uzatvárajú na úrovni fakúlt alebo univerzity. Študent sa môže uchádzať o mobilitu len na tie zahraničné univerzity, s ktorými je uzavretá medziinštitucionálna dohoda v čase realizácie výberového konania.

V rámci programu Erasmus+ má každá univerzita pridelený identifikačný kód, kód Univerzity Komenského je SK BRATISL02.



Študent môže v rámci programu Erasmus+ absolvovať pobyt v zahraničí, a to v trvaní minimálne 2 mesiace, avšak maximálne 12 mesiacov za každý stupeň štúdia (bakalársky, magisterský, doktorandský - internej alebo externej formy). Mobilita musí byť začatá aj ukončená v rámci jedného akademického roka.

Študentská mobilita sa organizuje na základe medziinštitucionálnych dohôd o mobilite študentov, ktoré sa medzi univerzitami uzatvárajú na úrovni fakúlt alebo univerzity. Študent sa môže uchádzať o mobilitu len na tie zahraničné univerzity, s ktorými je uzavretá medziinštitucionálna dohoda v čase realizácie výberového konania.

V rámci programu Erasmus+ má každá univerzita pridelený identifikačný kód, kód Univerzity Komenského je SK BRATISL02.


Grant Amount

The Erasmus+ grant awarded represents net income for the student and is not taxable. The maximum amount of the grant is set by the European Commission, countries are divided into three groups and the individual rates apply to all universities in Slovakia (the division may be updated depending on the new academic year).
The calculation of the grant for the mobility period is determined by multiplying the number of days by 1/30 of the monthly grant determined for the respective receiving country.
The grant is paid in two installments: 90 % before the stay and 10 % after the end of the stay. The conditions for payment of the grant are set out in the Grant Agreement concluded between the CU (represented by the Institutional Coordinator) and the student. For more information see the section 'Before Mobility'.

Students in receipt of social grants are entitled to an increase in the basic grant

"Green travel" extra charge

Students are entitled to a one-off extra charge of EUR 50 if they use a form of transport other than air travel. This includes travel by train, bus or car sharing. Prior to departure for mobility, the student sends by email to OPE+ a signed affidavit declaring that he/she will be traveling by green transport for mobility, the type of transport must be specified (false declaration constitutes a breach of the terms of the contract and loss of entitlement to the grant). In the case of bus and train, the student must provide a travel document after the mobility. If the student does not inform in advance by means of an affidavit about the green transport, he/she will not be entitled to claim it after the mobility, even if he/she presents a travel ticket.

Information about the program LLP / ERASMUS+

Faculty coordinator:
doc. Mgr. Róbert Horka, PhD.,
Vice-Dean for Science and International Relations

Students and teachers of our faculty can apply for stay at the following universities:

Bilateral agreements under the program LLP/ERASMUS+ for years 2022 - 2026

  • Partner university:
    Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
    Dewajtis 5
    PL-01815 Warszawa

  • Partner university:
    Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawla II w Krakowie
    Wydzial Teologiczny
    Kanonicza 9
    PL-31-002 KRAKÓW
  • Partner university:
    Pontifical University, St Patrick's College Maynooth
    Co Kildare
  • Partner university:
    Vytautas Magnus University
    Daukanto 28
    LT-3000 KAUNAS
  • Partner university:
    University of Ljubljana
    Kongresni trg 12
  • Partner university:
    Episcopal Theological College of Pécs
    Hunyadi János u. 11
    7625 PÉCS
  • Partner university:
    Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
    Ul. Gagarina 37
    P.-87 100 Toruń
  • Partner university:
    Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci
    Univerzitní 244/22
    779 00 Olomouc

Bilateral cooperation agreements

Faculty coordinator:
doc. Mgr. Róbert Horka, PhD.,
Vice-dean for science and international relations
Tel. + 421 2 32 777 121

  • Partner university:
    Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawla II w Krakowie
    Wydzial Teologiczny
    Kanonicza 9
    PL-31 002 Kraków