Faculty of Roman Catholic Theology
of Cyril and Methodius
Comenius University Bratislava

ICT Center

Center for Information and Communication Technologies

Vice Dean for ICT

doc. ThDr. Ing. Vladimír Thurzo, Ph.D.
Tel. + 421 2 32 777 121
E-mail: vladimir.thurzouniba.sk

ICT Administrator of the Faculty and Head of the ICT Center

ThLic. Ing. Peter Šantavý, Ph.D.
Tel. + 421 2 32 777 116
E-mail: peter.santavyuniba.sk

Members of the ICT Center

IT Administration in Bratislava

Helpdesk - end user support and problem solving (except for issues of central services of the university provided by CePIT UK):

    E-mail: helpdesk (at) frcth.uniba.sk

IT Administrator in Nitra

E-mail: ekonomksnr.sk (except for issues of central services of the university provided by CePIT UK)

University-wide Center for Information Technologies

Centre for Information Technologies (CIT) ensures running and development of information technologies and central information systems used at the university.

CIT coordinates the cooperation of all IT departments of the university and contributes to the development of the university in an age of growing demands on communication, data processing and constant technological innovation.

CIT also handles the day-to-day operation and service of computers and network of the Rectorate and a few other constituents of the CU.