Faculty of Roman Catholic Theology
of Cyril and Methodius
Comenius University Bratislava


VEGA 1/0386/24: Carmina Seduliana: The First Slovak Translation, Edition and Critical Study to Sedulian Literary Work (2024 – 2026)

The aim of the project is to offer the first translation of Seduliu's poetry and prose to a scholary public with a theological and classical background. It is a segment of ancient works that has received almost no attention in Slovakia so far. Sedulius was probably a fifth-century Italian poet who gained such popularity specially in the Middle Ages, that he became the most widely read school author among poets. As part of the project we would like to prepare the first Slovak translation of the three poems that have survived to him, amounting to about 2,000 verses and about 2,000 lines of prose. We will create a translation of the poems according to the generally accepted rules for translation the Antique poetry to Slovak, arranged by Miloslav Okál. Subsequently, we would like to publish the entire work, accompanied by a philological study and a detailed interpretation of each of the works. In the final stage we would like to present Sedulius' Biblical Epic as a material for various disciplines of theology.

Main researcher: Assoc. prof. Mgr. Róbert Horka, PhD; Researchers: Prof. ThDr. Pavol Farkaš, PhD. a ThLic. Miroslav Hosťovecký.

The Holy See and the Slovak Question 1945-1958 (2020-2022)

VEGA 1/0179/20, interfaculty project.

Main researcher prof. Dr. phil. Emília Hrabovec

Researchers from FRCTH CU: Mons. prof. ThDr. Viliam Judák, PhD., ThDr. Peter Slepčan

Researcher from FA CU: PhDr. Tomáš Černák, PhD.

External researcher from ÚPN: Dr. phil. Beáta Katrebová Blehová

Slovakia and the Holy See in the Context of International Relations and Ecclesiastical and Historical Development 1963-1989 (2013-2015)

Main researcher: prof. Dr. phil. Emília Hrabovec

Researchers: prof. ThDr. Viliam Judák, PhD. (deputy project leader), prof. ThDr. Jozef Haľko, PhD., full-time doctoral student: THLic. Pavol Mikula

Cooperation on Projects of Other Institutions

VEGA 1/0373/22 Opportunities and limits of applying palliative principles to the care of the seriously ill and dying during the Covid-19 pandemic, with a focus on new challenges for interdisciplinary teams in social services and hospice settings (2022-202

Faculty of Health and Social Work TVU.

Main researcher: prof. PhDr. Mgr. Patrícia Dobríková, PhD.

Researcher: ThDr. Ing. Vladimír Thurzo, PhD.

VEGA 1/0514/19 The Poetics of Mystical Experience and Literary Forms of Mystagogy (2019-2021)

Faculty of Philosophy of Comenius University.

Main researcher: assoc. prof. Mgr. Magda Kučerková, PhD.

Researcher: assoc. prof. Mgr. Róbert Horka, PhD.

VEGA 1/0801/20 Formal and Content Analysis of Colloquial Latin in Late Antiquity on the Basis of the Preaching of Aurelius Augustine (2020-2022)

Faculty of Philosophy of Comenius University.

Main researcher: Mgr. Marcela Andoková, PhD.

Researcher: assoc. prof. Mgr. Róbert Horka, PhD.

VEGA 1/0756/14 Transformations of the Representation of the Spiritual Journey in Western Literatures from the Middle Ages to the Present

Faculty of Philosophy, University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra.

Researcher: prof. ThDr. Viliam Judák, PhD.

VEGA 1/0318/12 Comments on the Old Testament, Psalms 51-100, (2012-2015)

Faculty of Theology, University of Trnava.

Researchers: ThDr. Jozef Jančovič, PhD., SS.Lic. Milan Sova, PhD., SS.Dr. Blažej Štrba, PhD., SS.Dr. Pavel Vilhan, PhD.