Faculty of Roman Catholic Theology
of Cyril and Methodius
Comenius University Bratislava


KEGA 047UK-4/2024: Biographical Learning in Religious Education in Primary and Secondary Schools (2024 – 2025)

Biographical learning is defined as working on one's own biography and considering other people´s biographies. Children and adolescents today have role models with whom they can identify and which support the process of forming their own identity. Biographical learning, learning from role models, is therefore also an important part of religious education in schools. Biographical learning enables pupils to reflect on the significant stages of their life journey and to learn to think about them from a faith perspective. Working with their own biography as well as the biographies of others enables pupils to form cognitive, emotional and social relationships with themselves and to reflect on their lifestyles, their values and norms. The project implements a pedagogical model of biographical learning in religious education in primary and secondary schools. The aim of the project is the theoretical elaboration of biographical learning in religious education and its didactic and methodological application in the teaching of religious education in primary and secondary schools. The output of the project is a scientific study on biographical learning, published in a foreign scientific journal, a methodological manual for teachers of religious education on how to use biographical learning in religious education, as well as an online-database of ordinary people from common life in order to highlight and make accessible their extraordinary involvement in different areas of social life.

Main researcher: Assoc. prof. ThDr. Tibor Reimer, PhD.

Researcher: Assoc. prof. PhDr. Emília Fulková, CSc.