Faculty of Roman Catholic Theology
of Cyril and Methodius
Comenius University Bratislava

International research projects

Rebuilding the World, Society, and Human Identity 1939-1958: The Global Perspective of the Vatican Archives (2022 – 2026)

International research project GLOBALVAT, sub-project Udienze.

Contracting authority: Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR) France

Principal investigating institution: École francaise de Rome (EFR) a Labratoire de Recherches historiques Rhône Alpes (LARHRA).

Member of the International Scientific Council: prof. Dr. phil. Emília Hrabovec

Persons of Responsibility: Human, Animal, Artificial, Divine (2023 – 2024)

Foreign project of Slovak Academy of Sciences, Ian Ramsey Centre grant at the University of Oxford and John Templeton Foundation.

Main researchers: PhDr. Daniela Vacek, PhD.

Researcher: Assoc. prof. ThDr. Ing. Jozef Jančovič, PhD.

Handbuch zur Religions- und Kirchengeschichte der Slowakei im 20. Jahrhundert (2018-2023)

Handbook of religious and ecclesiastical history of Slovakia in the 20th century (600 p.)

An international research project in cooperation with Collegium Carolinum Munich, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and the Archdiocese of Munich.

Researcher: prof. Dr. phil. Emília Hrabovec

Frintaneum [Frintaneum: Lexikón absolventov inštitútu pre vyššie teologické štúdiá vo Viedni] (2010-2016)

Leader of an international work team: 
Univ. Prof. DDr. Rupert Klieber (University of Vienna)

Head of the Slovak working group: prof. Dr. phil. Emília Hrabovec

Contracting authority: University of Vienna

Cooperation agreement with the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Vienna No. FRT 2010/1 of 14.4.2010

Kommunikationswege, karitative Unterstützung und Hilfsdiplomatie: Konfessionelle Netzwerke, der Deutschen in Russland 1922-1939 (2013-2015)

Communication channels, charitable support and diplomacy: confessional networks of Germans in Russia (1922-1939)

International research project IIAB-2513DK0524.

Project leader: Prof. Dr. Katrin Boeckh, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich and the Institute for the Study of Eastern and Southeastern Europe (Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung) Regensburg, Germany

Researcher: prof. Dr. phil. Emília Hrabovec

Contracting authority: Bundesverwaltungsamt / Beauftragter der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien, Bonn: Universitäres Förderprogramm, Germany

Cardinali e cardinalato, una «élite» nei confronti della modernità 1775 – 1978 (2013 – 2015)

Cardinals and the cardinal's office, the "elite" and its relation to modernity (1775-1978)

Contracting authority: Istitute Catholique, Paris; École française de Rome

Main researchers: prof. François Jankowjak, prof. Laura Pettinaroli

Member of the Scientific Council and moderator: prof. Dr. phil. Emília Hrabovec

Concilio Vaticano Secondo alla luce degli archivi dei Padri conciliari (2011-2015)

The Second Vatican Council through research in the archives of the Council Fathers

Commissioned by the Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences in collaboration with the Centre for Research on the Second Vatican Council at the Lateran University.

Coordinator for Central and Eastern Europe: prof. Dr. phil. Emília Hrabovec

Lexikon der katholischen Bischöfe der Habsburgermonarchie 1804 – 1918 [Lexikón katolíckych biskupov habsburskej monarchie 1804 – 1918] (2010-2015)

Leader of an international work team:
 Univ.Prof. DDr. Rupert Klieber (University of Vienna)

Leader of the Slovak working group: prof. Dr. phil. Prof. Emília Hrabovec

Contracting authority: University of Vienna

Cooperation agreement with the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Vienna No. BLX 2010/2 of 15.1.2010

Religious Education an Schools in Europe a príprava publikácie Religious Education an Schools in Europe (2014)

Contracting authority: the University of Vienna

Researcher: ThDr. Tibor Reimer, PhD.